Listen below to a free sample of Patrick’s recorded Discourses.

Understanding the process of Karma and Evolution

The Divine Masculine and Feminine and Real Empowerment

What makes the Difference – The Atmosphere of one’s Intention

The Doorway to the Magic

What our children really need

Transforming our relationships

How fear armors the Heart

The Self-Love that comes from Emotional Braveness

Fearless Discernment and Impeccable Integrity

Wholeheartedness – The courage to open to God

The Commitment to pull up the deepest karmas

Channeling the masculine energy to Great Purpose

The Intelligence of the Heart

The Power of Intention

Facing the fear of fear

Radical Humility

Being in joy with profound change

Understanding how pain is the Doorway to Love

The blame and victimhood game

Steps in healing our conditioning

The Life Changing Discovery

Being integrated with Life

How to truly inspire and uplift our children

The Inspiration and Integrity beyond working for money

The Process of Health

God, science and the separation from Love

The Inspiration to choose Integrity and Truth even when life is comfortable

Cultivating the Energy of Mastery


Listen below to a free sample of Patrick’s recorded Clearings.

Examining the coping strategies of the wounded child within

Mapping the fear of the fear and the effects of running away

Coming into Forgiveness

Standing for Truth and Integrity in the Heart

Feeling into the fear of our transformation

Examining the exchange dynamic with God

Meeting the wanting energy directly as the Heart

Meeting our deepest pain directly


Listen below to a free sample of Patrick’s recorded Guided Contemplations.

Meeting the young child within as the One Heart

Resting as Being

The Softness of Infinite Strength

The Choice to end the feeding

Going back the way we came to Love

Examining the roots of feeling not good enough