Special Mini-Retreat Part 1

Guided Contemplation: Aligning with the Breath and Presence

Intentions and song of Divine Mother    32

Bringing the young child parts to the Heart of Courage    50

Sharing what we notice    1.02.00

Part 2

Song of the Mother

How to be with storms and be in the deepest service to Mother and Life    10

Sharing where we are at and what we are seeing    15

Breathing, Prayers and Intentions to the Divine Mother    1.44.00


Click the arrow below to listen to Part 1 of the Mini-Retreat.


Click the arrow below to watch Part 1 of the Mini-Retreat.


Click the arrow below to listen to Part 2 of the Mini-Retreat.


Click the arrow below to watch Part 2 of the Mini-Retreat.


This special mantra for Divine Protection was offered by Patrick during this session. You may hear Patrick explain the mantra and recite it at the very end of the Mini-Retreat Part 2 recording above.

You may save/print the image as a jpeg file by clicking on it below.


Chaumundaye Mantra from Patrick