Welcome Friends! To enter the Live Dialogue “meeting room,” enter your name and email as requested in the video screen below. If you see a blank screen after entering your name and email, you may need to download Flash Player (and restart your computer after downloading):


During the Dialogue we will be muted but may communicate by typing in the chat box. If you prefer to see Patrick only – without the chat box and attendee list – click either the “Full Screen” or “Maximize” icon in the upper right hand corner of his video.

When Patrick invites questions in “Q and A” mode, you may click the button with the raised hand icon to ask a question. If he calls on you, you will be able to ask your question (rather than just typing in the chat box) by enabling your camera and microphone. If you don’t see a request to enable camera and mic, you may need to disable pop up blockers. If using Google Chrome, there may be additional setting adjustments needed. See: ClickMeeting Guide for Chrome for guidance: http://knowledge.clickmeeting.com/manual/audio-video-settings-google-chrome/

Please use headphones with a mic to maximize audio quality and minimize echo.

If you would like to phone in (rather than listening from your computer), a local “phone access” number should be provided on your screen immediately after providing your details to enter the meeting room. You may also view the video live on a smartphone or tablet by downloading the ClickMeeting app at the App Store. With the ClickMeeting App open, return to this Live Dialogue Webpage and click and hold down the link to “Open Manual” at the bottom. You will then be asked to “Open in ClickMeeting,” and you may enter the meeting room by providing your name and email. After you join the event, click the menu bar in the upper left hand corner of your screen and choose “Video Streams” to see/hear Patrick (or “Chat” to communicate via the chat box).

If you have any trouble accessing the meeting room before the event begins, feel free to type a message in the chat box at the bottom of this page, or email support@sharmada.org.